LIEBHERR LiDIA New version (04-2024) WITH ACCESS
Before proceeding with the installation, please ensure that your system matches the followings:
1. Windows 10
2. Internet Explorer (IE) version 11 or higher
(Please read the FAQ for other browser support)
3. PDF viewer like Acrobat Reader
4. NET Framework 4.8
(it needs admin rights for the user account who will use LiDIA)
5. Microsoft EDGE WEBVIEW2
(it needs admin rights for the user account who will use LiDIA)
6. LIDIA prerequisites 1.6.0
(it needs admin rights for the user account who will use LiDIA)
7. 2 USB ports
Package : Extra 1 PC SOFTWARE WITH ACCESS (For 01 year / LIEBHERR - Engine Customer Advanced (Light) Level ) = 652 $
✓ LiDIA version 2.10.0
✓ LIDIA prerequisites 1.6.0
✓ NET Framework 4.8
Contact me on whatsapp
or skype :
for all u'r questions and for More Explication .

Before proceeding with the installation, please ensure that your system matches the followings:
1. Windows 10
2. Internet Explorer (IE) version 11 or higher
(Please read the FAQ for other browser support)
3. PDF viewer like Acrobat Reader
4. NET Framework 4.8
(it needs admin rights for the user account who will use LiDIA)
5. Microsoft EDGE WEBVIEW2
(it needs admin rights for the user account who will use LiDIA)
6. LIDIA prerequisites 1.6.0
(it needs admin rights for the user account who will use LiDIA)
7. 2 USB ports

Package : Extra 1 PC SOFTWARE WITH ACCESS (For 01 year / LIEBHERR - Engine Customer Advanced (Light) Level ) = 652 $
✓ LiDIA version 2.10.0
✓ LIDIA prerequisites 1.6.0
✓ NET Framework 4.8

Contact me on whatsapp
or skype :
for all u'r questions and for More Explication .